The House of Addiction - Part 01 - An introduction

A frightening disease

Much more than just a moral failure

An Introduction

On September 2017, from the National Geographic Magazine, Susan Goldberg, the Editor in Chief of the magazine itself, wrote that, in the US alone, there is one baby who’s born addicted to opiods, with their parents being addicts themselves.  That’s for every 25 minutes.  And that’s only in the United States.  So for those who have never been addicted to any substance in their lifetime, you can only ask yourself this: just what is going on.

What is going on implies one more question to this: why are people doing this? What makes them keep on going back to the dealers and getting even more, bearing in mind that, for 95% of the addiction cases, they are fully aware of the harm that it will do to them.  They just plan on not stopping, blindly, as long as they can afford to pay for it.  Even if they know they can find a way to recover from not taking it again, well, they overlook that part.

So we have to understand what lies beneath the addicted brain and what do about it.  The reason for this is firstly, because drugs are everywhere and secondly, well, you just can never tell: it can hit anyone.  Believe it or not, once you run through the cycle, it’s a real feel-good pleasure that invites itself in; those who know can confirm this.

So the nature of addiction itself must be rethought scientifically, not just as a moral failure but more like a disease this time.

I hope this sheds some light to those concerned.

Thank you for reading.
